UX Design    •    UI Design   

Find My Nearest


Find My Nearest (FMN) is Camden Councils local mapping service for street works, parking spaces and other localised services within the borough. Having not been updated in over 5 years FMN look and feel was very dated and in need of a refresh.

UX   |   UI   |   User interviews   |   Testing   |   Prototyping

UX UI designer (me)   |   Product owner   |   Customer insight   |   Scrum master   |   Developer

Update the UI and improve the overall experience with an emphasis on mobile.

Analytics had already found that over a third of Find My Nearest users where via a mobile device.

By testing the 'as is' offering on mobile with users assumptions were validated.

We used user interviews to see what features in well known mapping services users see as essential.

User opinons & challenges
  • Dated design.
  • High task failure rate on a mobile device.
  • User needs to know street name or postcode.
  • Difficult to find selected icon.
  • Selected icon information hard to read.
  • Because of the above: Low user trust score of 2/5.
Original Find my Nearest = Unresponsive + Outdated.
Top 5 pain points gathered.
Paper prototyping output with Product owner, scrum master and developer.
Make it mobile: Lean, agile, iterative approach to features. Release fast. Learn. Update often.
Mobile mocks ups for stakeholder buy-in
Icon and UI collateral from light UI version.
Light and Dark UI. A much more familar interface. cleaner design and layout reduces cognative load.
Familiar on mobile devices.